Scallop Fishing

Scallopfishing.net was created by Tony Alvernaz and Cameron Miele to provide information on Atlantic sea scallops, sea scallop fishing and our commercial fishing business. We own and operate the 93' fishing vessel Buckeye, 82' Chatham, 76' Hunter, 74' Kathryn Marie, 75' Ligia (Lee-Ja) and 110' Saints & Angels. All six vessels are dedicated scallopers that operate out of New Bedford, Massachusetts, the United States' largest commercial fishing port by dollar value for the past 25 years.
The Atlantic sea scallop fishery is extremely important to the regional and national economy. It is the largest wild scallop fishery in the world. In 2024, approximately 25 million pounds of Atlantic sea scallops worth over $400 million were harvested from U.S. waters.